Friday, May 14, 2010

My Sock Walked Away

48 hours, approximately how long I've been home. Two hours, how much time before I leave. These past 48 hours have been hectic. I've shopped and packed and shopped and packed. I did my laundry and am somehow missing a sock. It's one of those socks that you wear with flats and I've been looking everywhere for it. I keep retracing my steps to and from the laundry machine and it's no where to be found, bizarre. My mom keeps laughing about how it "walked away" and "doesn't want to travel with me"...very funny mom. In the meantime, I'm also waiting on a Capital One credit card so I can avoid international transaction fees. They had to overnight mail it. We're making bets on whether it or the sock will turn up first. My money's on the credit card, only because my attempts to find the sock have been futile thus far.

This whole blogging thing is new to me so I apologize if I don't make sense (Light Fellowship: be warned, you should have never made the blogging requirements so easy.) I suppose I should tell you what I'm doing this summer, and since I'm a psychotic planner who adores timelines:

-5/14-Fly out to Geneva, arrival on the 15th.
-5/17-First day of work, I'm doing trade and development research
-6/19-Fly out to Beijing, arrival on the 20th, spend the day with my maternal grandparents
-6/21-Sleeper train to Hefei, arrival on the 22nd, spend the day with my paternal grandmother
-6/22-Sleeper train to Hangzhou, arrival on the 23rd, program orientation
-8/6-Last exam and departure to Shanghai
-8/7-Morning flight back to Geneva
-8/9-Back to work
-8/27-Last day of work
-8/28-Fly out of Geneva, arrive at home
-8/30-Take the Amtrak to New Haven
-9/1-Begin junior year

Three questions you may have, that I'll answer right now. Yes, I'm crazy, and excited. Yes, I love Yale a lot, thanks for giving me my dream summer! And yes, I am sad that I don't get more time at home. We had to celebrate my brother's 18th birthday two days early because I won't be here for his actual birthday. And I just finished writing his graduation card, guilt overwhelming me, because I won't be here for that either. It's a good thing he knows I love him a lot and is the biggest sweetheart in the world because I feel like an awful sister...I'll have to buy him lots of souvenirs or something to ease my guilty conscience.

And the credit card won. Now to find that missing sock...


  1. Sorry...we'll beef up the requirements! =) Good luck with that sock.

  2. Update the blog! Such a slacker.
