This whole blogging thing is new to me so I apologize if I don't make sense (Light Fellowship: be warned, you should have never made the blogging requirements so easy.) I suppose I should tell you what I'm doing this summer, and since I'm a psychotic planner who adores timelines:
-5/14-Fly out to Geneva, arrival on the 15th.
-5/17-First day of work, I'm doing trade and development research
-6/19-Fly out to Beijing, arrival on the 20th, spend the day with my maternal grandparents
-6/21-Sleeper train to Hefei, arrival on the 22nd, spend the day with my paternal grandmother
-6/22-Sleeper train to Hangzhou, arrival on the 23rd, program orientation
-8/6-Last exam and departure to Shanghai
-8/7-Morning flight back to Geneva
-8/9-Back to work
-8/27-Last day of work
-8/28-Fly out of Geneva, arrive at home
-8/30-Take the Amtrak to New Haven
-9/1-Begin junior year
Three questions you may have, that I'll answer right now. Yes, I'm crazy, and excited. Yes, I love Yale a lot, thanks for giving me my dream summer! And yes, I am sad that I don't get more time at home. We had to celebrate my brother's 18th birthday two days early because I won't be here for his actual birthday. And I just finished writing his graduation card, guilt overwhelming me, because I won't be here for that either. It's a good thing he knows I love him a lot and is the biggest sweetheart in the world because I feel like an awful sister...I'll have to buy him lots of souvenirs or something to ease my guilty conscience.
And the credit card won. Now to find that missing sock...